THESE terms and conditions ARE provided by claudia cloudyah ltd. 卡蘿迪亞有限公司 (TAIWAN) (“THE COMPANY'“, “WE”, “US”, “OUR”).

Unified Business No. / Tax ID / 統一編號 : 90888984 (TAIWAN)


TheSe terms may be amended when necessary, as other information on the website.

by using or accessing our website www.claudiacloudyah.com (the “Website”), you have accepted and consented to THESE terms and conditions (“Terms and conditions”). If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our website.


CLAUDIA CLOUDYAH IS THE OWNER OF THIS WEBSITE, THE DOMAIN NAME www.claudiacloudyah.com, LOGOS, creative works, PHOTOGRAPHS (exclusive of photographs of historical paintings that are in the public domain), drawings, ILLUSTRATIONS, TEXT DESCRIPTIONS, WEB STRUCTURE, WEB DESIGN, ADVERTISEMENTS, and all Intellectual Property Rights including but not limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets.

any public and/or commercial use, modification, or other acts Under the intellectual property law is strictly prohibited.


we make reasonable endeavors to ensure the contents on this website are accurate. however, we reserve the right to update/correct any information.

We shall not be held liable for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to the information on this website.

We disclaim all liability for damage by a third party, intrusion or unauthorized access.

These terms have been drafted in accordance with the laws of TAIWAN (THE R.O.C), and the Taiwan Taipei District Court will have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute that may arise.